Intro to the Earliest Waltz in Tallahassee, FL

Intro to the Earliest Waltz in Tallahassee, FL

Seen in Tallahassee in the early 1800s No dance in our recent centuries not the Charleston, the Lindy, jitterbugging to Rock and Roll music, the Lambada, or even twerking, has aroused the passionate moral disapproval generated by the waltz. In its first introduction...
Social Dancing at Nationals

Social Dancing at Nationals

By Lolita Brawner, CMP, QAS, CQIA; Social Dance Vice President Contributing Author Photos by Carson Zullinger Social Dance is alive and well! Social Dancers and Chapters from across the country had a very big presence at the 2022 USA Dance National Ballroom DanceSport...

Take Charge of Your Dance Journey

I have been taking a challenge these last 5 days and WOW it’s been great. The Girl with the Tree Tattoo put out the “Own Your Dance Journey Challenge.” It is very insightful…the distractions along the journey, comparing yourself with other...

USA Dance 2019 National Volunteer of the Year

  Rebecca Kelley Fournier Membership and Community Outreach Board Member USA Dance 2019 National Volunteer of the Year and  Volunteer of the Year District are awarded to Rebecca Kelley Fournier.  Rebecca is a member of Chapter 6010, led by Chapter President Lolita...